PE Multiple Expansion 2000-2018
Private equity EV/Revenue multiples have increased 70% since 2000. They averaged 10.3x for the first three quarters of 2018 versus 6.6x in 2000. AS a result of these higher valuation…
Product Management and M&A. Musings of a reformed private equity operator
Private equity EV/Revenue multiples have increased 70% since 2000. They averaged 10.3x for the first three quarters of 2018 versus 6.6x in 2000. AS a result of these higher valuation…
I am launching a new side gig today We provide research reports on software companies for buyers looking to build a basic profile of a firm or for marketers…
Excerpted from the CBInsights article. Read the entire piece here: Since founding Amazon in 1994, Jeff Bezos has run his company according to an unconventional set of core principles:…
Mary Meeker from Kleiner Perkins is the undisputed leader in using big data to describe and analyze the major trends in the tech industry. She and KPCB have published a…
I came across two interesting articles today in my daily reading, both focus on how venture capital and private equity may be hurting our economy. As the stock market continues…
The following presentation presents a basic approach that can be used to develop a merger/acquisition strategy for your business. It is especially geared towards product managers that are interested in…
Calculating the Enterprise Value of a private company requires you to leverage indirect measures such as revenue estimates and average EV/Revenue multiples